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Thread: [Multi] Diablo IV

  1. #41
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    Ik zal niet zeggen dat het historisch accuraat is , maar ik zal ook niet zeggen dat het niet historisch accuraat is.

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    Symbiotic disharmony Morrigun99's Avatar
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    @LtPsycho was mijn linkje naar de Tweakers preview niet goed genoeg?

  3. #43
    Variation on a Dream LtPsycho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morrigun99 View Post

    @LtPsycho was mijn linkje naar de Tweakers preview niet goed genoeg?
    Totaal gemist, sorry

  4. #44
    Subtle as flying brick Black's Avatar
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    Ha microtransactions zijn al confirmed. Kan je straks voor 9,99 je barb met een roze tutu aankleden

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black View Post
    Ha microtransactions zijn al confirmed. Kan je straks voor 9,99 je barb met een roze tutu aankleden
    Klopt en da's prima. Zolang het bij cosmetics blijft die een beetje in thema blijven vind ik het helemaal prima. Je ontkomt toch niet meer aan micro tegenwoordig...

  6. #46
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    Ze waren inderdaad heel specifiek door meteen te zeggen dat je geen 'Power' kon kopen.

  7. #47
    Select publiek Baukereg's Avatar
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    Wat zijn dat nou weer voor kapitalistische praktijken? Communisme is ook niet meer wat het geweest is.

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    Nu hebben we de eerste Diablo zonder Deckard
    Getting to know a girl who can fold like Origami paper...... Look a Swan

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    BlizzCon 2019 brought with it the announcement that the long-awaited Diablo IV is now officially happening. Although it'll be a while before we descend into Hell to smite all manner of demons, the announcement resulted in a swathe of online opinions being shared.

    David Brevik, designer on Diablo 1, was one of the people to chip in and offer their opinion on Diablo 4, doing so in a positive key.

    Diablo 4 David Brevik Opinion
    Diablo 1 Designer on Diablo 4: Diablo 1 Designer on Diablo 4:
    "Overall, I think that Diablo 4 looks good", he said. He then went on to point out how Blizzard looks towards the grittier Diablo 2 when it comes to the upcoming ARPG's graphics, calling the gothic-inspired artstyle "cool".

    Another point Brevik brought up was how Diablo 4 marks a return to skill trees, which were absent from Diablo 3. He then concluded with saying that "Overall, it seems like something that [he] would design.". You can check out the full clip over on Twitch.

    Diablo 4 does indeed seem to look towards both Diablo 3 and Diablo 2 for inspiration. The Druid class is making a comeback with more fluid shapeshifting to boot, while runes and runewords will also be part of the game's take on item customization.

    To top things off Lilith, a significant character in Diablo lore responsible for birthing the Nephalem, returns in Diablo 4 and likely with not-so-honorable goals in mind.
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  10. #50
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    Last edited by Like-a-Bunny; 5th November 2019 at 09:46.
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  11. #51
    Subtle as flying brick Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Like-a-Bunny View Post
    Goed afbetaald die Brevik was mijn eerste gedachte

  12. #52
    Senior Member Zebby's Avatar
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    Ben wel heel benieuwd naar de lore. Lillith was echt een key karakter uit de boeken, gaat Uldyssian terugkomen? Inarius lijkt me zo goed als zeker. Vond het verhaal in Diablo 3 nog best leuk voor de eerste playthrough. Diablo moest het altijd meer hebben van de details, de mythe eromheen, niet zo zeer het directe verhaal. "LOL PUT THE STONE IN YOUR HEAD THAT WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA".

    Blijkbaar werden die cinametics los ontwikkeld van de main game en waren de ontwikkelaars in de tijd er ook een beetje door verrast. Er staat ergens een verhaal online van Brevik denk ik waar hij praat over de ontwikkeling van Diablo 1. Leuk om eens op de achtergrond te luisteren.

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    Ik heb zelf juist niks met dat online gebeuren, een keertje co-op wel lachen, maar om nu eindeloos met mijn muis te klikken zonder context of verhaal gaat mij persoonlijk gewoon vervelen. Ik vond Diablo 3 en met name de expansion erg shining in de omgevingen en de lore inderdaad. Het was geen boeiend verhaal, maar voldoende om me er doorheen te trekken en al met al een mooie ervaring op te leveren.
    Ik zal niet zeggen dat het historisch accuraat is , maar ik zal ook niet zeggen dat het niet historisch accuraat is.

  14. #54
    Symbiotic disharmony Morrigun99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPGer View Post
    Ik heb zelf juist niks met dat online gebeuren, een keertje co-op wel lachen, maar om nu eindeloos met mijn muis te klikken zonder context of verhaal gaat mij persoonlijk gewoon vervelen. Ik vond Diablo 3 en met name de expansion erg shining in de omgevingen en de lore inderdaad. Het was geen boeiend verhaal, maar voldoende om me er doorheen te trekken en al met al een mooie ervaring op te leveren.

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    PSN ID: shappy1010 Steam ID: RPGer
    Godverdeurie ik zit teveel met Dr. Sleep in mijn hoofd.
    Ik zal niet zeggen dat het historisch accuraat is , maar ik zal ook niet zeggen dat het niet historisch accuraat is.

  16. #56
    It's such a pretty sight! Geerrrt's Avatar
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    Is dit spel al uit?

  17. #57
    King in the North Tonne's Avatar
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    Duurt nog minimaal 3 jaar toch?
    "As God as my witness I will put you through that fucking wall!"
    - Frank Murphy

  18. #58
    Symbiotic disharmony Morrigun99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPGer View Post
    Godverdeurie ik zit teveel met Dr. Sleep in mijn hoofd.
    Ben écht benieuwd.

  19. #59
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    Volgens mij zijn wij zo wat de enige 3 in Nederland. Heb net effe wat tijden gecheckt en iedere stoel is nog vrij.

    Dit is echt zo'n - sorry - sleeper hit die, als 'ie ook daadwerkelijk goed is, weleens wat hype zou kunnen veroorzaken ná de release. Ben benieuwd.

    En wat zit iedereen hier over Diablo te praten... off-topic much?

  20. #60
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    Diablo IV Features 100+ Towns to Help, With More Chances to Interact with NPCs and a Grounded Story

    Diablo IV was the highlight of BlizzCon 2019. Announced with great fanfare during the opening ceremony, the massively anticipated action roleplaying game is targeting a release on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

    Beyond the original press release, the developers had the chance over the weekend to reveal more information about the upcoming fourth installment in the franchise. In a panel dedicated to 'World and Lore', Creative Director Sebastian Stępień (who previously worked on The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 at CD Projekt RED) explained that there will be a much more grounded story compared to Diablo III, and the focus will be to interact with normal folks (NPCs) from all over the many (over 100) towns and villages scattered through the massive open world.

    You probably heard already a lot about darkness. But I want to say a few more things about darkness. Because this is something very very important for us and the truth is we are not going to be just dark.

    We want to bring back this very very specific vibe that makes Diablo unique and it's not only about darkness, so this is very, very important for us because it impacts almost every layer of the game, every aspect. The first thing is the story. We want to make a much more grounded story [in Diablo IV] than in Diablo III. And we think that the best way to deliver this story is to give you a possibility to discover stories of simple folks and that's why you are watching this movie right now. So imagine this kind of village, this is just an example. It's not about this specific village, we have like over 100 villages or places like this.

    And we would like to focus on those simple stories, the Eternal conflict that is going on even here.
    So it's not about big heroes, it's not about politics, kings, or any other high fantasy themes. It's about those guys and as a reference, you can think about Wirt from Diablo I or Marius from Diablo II.
    This is a rather significant change from Diablo III, but it's only one of many. We know the game will feature a seamless world (for the first time in the franchise) that is 'shared' with other players online, with World Bosses and other random events requiring more than the usual group of players to complete. There'll be a day/night cycle, again for the first time in Diablo history, dynamic weather, and PvP zones.

    With all of those features, it is perhaps unsurprising that Diablo IV has no release date. In fact, the developers said it's not coming out soon, not even 'Blizzard soon'. It's safe to say we'll see it again at next year's BlizzCon, at the very least, but should there be any leaks or rumors we'll be quick to relay them here.
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    Variation on a Dream LtPsycho's Avatar
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    Oh just release this shit already!

  22. #62
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    massive open world
    Nee. Fuck nee!

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baukereg View Post
    Nee. Fuck nee!
    Overal dungeons gelukkig, dus dat compenseert wat mij betreft weer!

  24. #64
    Variation on a Dream LtPsycho's Avatar
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    Die link laat het er wel heel erg als een re-skin van d3 zien, zal vast dezelfde engine e.d. allemaal zijn, maar zou me niks verbazen dat het kleuren pallet langzaam weer de D3 kant ook op gaat.
    Getting to know a girl who can fold like Origami paper...... Look a Swan

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  26. #66
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    Van supporting controllers on PC wordt ik blij.

  27. #67
    Variation on a Dream LtPsycho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_wildcard View Post
    Die link laat het er wel heel erg als een re-skin van d3 zien, zal vast dezelfde engine e.d. allemaal zijn, maar zou me niks verbazen dat het kleuren pallet langzaam weer de D3 kant ook op gaat.
    Mwah, ik denk dat de boodschap wel duidelijk was dat het allemaal wat duisterder moest worden.
    Maar er is gewoon nog te weinig informatie beschikbaar om daar echt iets over te zeggen nu.

  28. #68
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    Kijken hoe blizzey deze game weet te vernielen.
    "As God as my witness I will put you through that fucking wall!"
    - Frank Murphy

  29. #69
    Symbiotic disharmony Morrigun99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonne View Post
    Kijken hoe blizzey deze game weet te vernielen.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonne View Post
    Kijken hoe blizzey deze game weet te vernielen.
    Wacht nog een jaar of 2 kijken hoevaak ze nog negatief in het nieuws komen.
    Getting to know a girl who can fold like Origami paper...... Look a Swan

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    Kleine uitwerking van de Diablo IV Quarterly Update—February 2020

    "With item icons, we’d initially pursued a painterly style to stay in line with the overall art direction of the game, and we’re finding that it doesn’t come across as well when we’re talking about small elements in the UI. We’re now exploring another approach more directly based off the 3D models to give them natural texture and realism."

    "We’ve reorganized the layout of the inventory to what is hopefully a more balanced composition, and across the board we’re looking at the color spread and contrast levels of individual UI pieces."

    "The preferred position changes to the left-corner when people play further away from the screen. This doesn’t come as a surprise given the shift in viewing angle (illustrative diagram below not to scale), but it does mean that the center configuration isn’t a majority winner on PC since we’re supporting controller input. So, while we will only stick to the corner configuration on consoles, we will offer both left and center positions as options on PC."

    "When the topic of couch co-op came up early on in development, we looked at the number of people who utilized this feature in Diablo III and found that the 2-player setup accounted for an overwhelming majority. For Diablo IV, we decided to focus on improving the favored 2-player co-op experience and set up our core progression UI screens such that they can be opened independently or at the same time."

    En dan nog een stuk over wat vijanden in de game.

    Cannibal Family Lineup in Diablo IV

    “Corpses riddled with bite marks. Splintered bones scraped clean of marrow. Tongues sawed off and eyes gouged out of their skulls. These are the bloody fingerprints the Cannibals leave behind—if they leave behind anything at all. No one is certain where they come from, but some legends claim they are a former tribe of barbarians, banished from Arreat years ago. Whether their cannibalism led to their exile or developed out of desperation afterward is unknown. The outcasts brought their endless hunger to the Dry Steppes, and from there spread to the far corners of the world to prey on lonesome caravans and unsuspecting villages.

    The few who have survived encounters with these butchers share the same stories. They tell of the mad fire that burns in the eyes of all Cannibals, of how eating the flesh of their victims in battle only fuels their hunger for more. They whisper of the unlucky souls spared in the attacks, hauled off like livestock for the raiders to pick clean until their next hunt. And then, they say no more. The silence speaks for them: sometimes it is better to die than to live and remember.”

    —Liya Khal’tib

    "By design, the Cannibal family has no ranged units. Instead, they spring at the player with supernatural swiftness. Some may close the gap by leaping over obstacles and would-be competitors, while others will swiftly and deftly maneuver through other monsters to get first blood. This provides a very different experience and gives the player less time to make thoughtful positioning decisions, thus making combat with these flesh-eaters feel frenetic."
    Last edited by Seabass; 27th February 2020 at 09:47.

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    Lekker bezig @Seabass :kusje:

  33. #73
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    Ziet er aardig uit, hoop alleen op wat minder een clickfest dan de vorige. Barbarian class op consoles w/gamepad voelde als een compleet andere (betere) game. Mogen ze voor de PC nu best gaan ondersteunen.
    Ik zal niet zeggen dat het historisch accuraat is , maar ik zal ook niet zeggen dat het niet historisch accuraat is.

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    Hoe ik deze gemist heb.. Kan niet wachten!
    "Know thyself, and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe."
    "Know thyself, because what else is there to know?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trio-sama View Post
    Hoe ik deze gemist heb.. Kan niet wachten!
    Te druk met je nieuwe baan

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by LtPsycho View Post
    Te druk met je nieuwe baan
    Dat is zeker waarheid..
    Mijn pc thuis heeft de afgelopen 4 maanden echt weinig aan gestaan ja.

    De uren die ik in D3 en PoE heb zal ik in D4 zeker niet halen nee, maar hyped ben ik nog steeds wel
    "Know thyself, and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe."
    "Know thyself, because what else is there to know?"

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    Diablo IV's Skill Trees Are Literally Trees

    Diablo IV director Luis Barriga and lead system designer David Kim returned today to share their progress on Blizzard’s upcoming dungeon-crawling sequel by way of a new quarterly check-in. This included a look at the updated Diablo IV skill tree, which is literally a tree.

    Where before the game’s skills were arranged in a basic menu, the screen on which Diablo IV players will chart their character’s growth now features a magnificent painting of a rather demonic-looking tree. The branches contain skills, upgrades, and passive points, the last of which are then spent on passive skills located in the tree’s fiery roots.

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    The examples in the gallery below come from the Sorceress skill tree. Ball Lightning, for instance, can be upgraded to disperse as a secondary attack called Crackling Energy once it’s reached maximum range. There’s also a passive skill that makes it so critical hits have a chance to create Crackling Energy as well.

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    “You can spend skill points on square nodes to unlock new active skills for your character.”

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    “Spend points on circular upgrade nodes to enhance active skills you’ve unlocked.”

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    “You can spend passive points in the roots of the tree to unlock powerful effects.”

    “One last thing we want to point out is that players will not be able to acquire every Skill Tree node,” Kim writes. “We’re currently aiming for 30-40% of the nodes filled in for end game, so that players can have very distinct, and different ways they build out their character.”

    The developers also spent some time going over a trait unique to the Sorceress class. Where the Barbarian makes use of a dynamic weapon-swapping system, the Sorceress can equip skills as per usual or slot them as Enchantments instead, with each method bringing different abilities to her arsenal.

    Take the classic Meteor spell: Kim explains that if the player chooses to use Meteor as an Enchantment, its flaming rocks will fall on enemies periodically rather than needing to be aimed manually. This seems pretty strong on paper, but the random nature of the Enchantment likely balances things out. Of course, as everything being shown is still in very early stages of development, this can all change before launch.

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    “Here is an example of this system using the Meteor skill. Meteor allows you to call a fiery chunk of rock from the sky.”

    Klik voor full size.
    Klik voor full size.

    If you choose to slot it as an Enchantment, you won’t be able to control your Meteors, but they’ll fall onto enemies periodically.”

    “The power you gain from Enchantments is extremely significant, and you can currently make builds based around your Enchantments, your active skills, or a mix of both,” Kim adds. “This new system now empowers you to make some interesting choices to strategize around which skills you would want to slot in as an Enchantment, as you won’t be able to put one skill in both places.”

    Diablo IV is currently in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. A release date has not been announced.
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    Zou het dan toch de goede kant op gaan?

  40. #80
    Symbiotic disharmony Morrigun99's Avatar
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    Een tamelijk onbelangrijk element (de vormgeving dan) vind ik...maar wel mooi om naar te kijken

    De trailers er nog maar even tegenaan geknald. Ik heb echt ZO'N zin in zo'n/deze game.

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